Saturday, February 5, 2011

World's oldest person dies at 114

A Texas woman cited as the world's oldest person has died at the age of 114.
Patricia Ellis of Boren-Conner Funeral Home of Jacksonville says Eunice G. Sanborn of Jacksonville died Monday morning at her home.
Sanborn's caretaker, David French, did not immediately respond to a message Monday.
The Los Angeles-based Gerontology Research Group in Los Angeles listed Sanborn as the world's oldest person, based on data from the 1900 census. Robert Young of the group said the title now passes to 114-year-old Besse Cooper of Monroe, Ga., who is 114 years and five months old.
Sanborn acquired the distinction Nov. 4 upon the death of a French nun, Eugenie Blanchard, on the French Caribbean island of St. Barts. She was 114.

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