Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life Will Be...

Life in deserts was sandy
Life in caves was lonely
Life in ocean was salty
Life in stars was resplendent
Life in car was modern
Life in mountains was exhilarating
Life in Sun was briliant
Life in forests was mystical
Life in shadows was enigmatic
Life in battlefied was belligerent
Life in pearls was exotic
Life in office was monotonous
Life in submarine was vluptuous
Life in trees was mischievous
LIfe in roses was fragrant
Life in grass was intoxicating
Life in webs was silken
Life in paradise was divine
Life in temples was sacrosanct
Life in gutter was abhorrent
Life in dirt was deplorable
Life in rain was seductive
Life in beehives was vivacious
Life in wine was sensuous
Life in computer was brazen
Life innests was sequestering
Life in statues was stationary
Life in icebergs was freezing
Life in anthills was irascible
Life in photographs was still
Life in gardens was pleasant
Life in mousetrap was asphyxiating
Life in fists was curled
Life in prison was disdainful
Life in whirlpool was spinning
Life in theater was dramatic
Life in art was enchanting
Life in boats was undulating
Life in boats was undulating
Life in diamonds was glittering
Life in moon was milky
Life in kitchen was appetizing
Life in beauty was ravishing
Life in titillation was enticing
Life in fantasy was stupendous
Life in motherslap was blissful
Life in medicine was healing
Life in corpse was standstill
Life in lavatory was pathetic
Life in seedlings was blossoming
Life in horseback was gallivanting
Life in snakeskin was slithering
Life in oven was sizzling
Life in greenery was sedative
Life in rebellion was evoking
Life in discrimination was appalling
Life in benevolence was gratifying
But life in the heart of your beloved; WAS; IS; AND WILL ALWAYS BE LOVE; LOVE AND ONLY LOVE!

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