Saturday, February 5, 2011


Friendship is one of the greatest blessings of God.A man is a miserable wealth may find some comfort in life , but a friendless man is a miserable fellow.He is the most lonely creature on God's earth.There is none to share his joys and sorrows.His pleasures, at the most, are only a shadow of pleasures.His sorrows are deepened into blackest gloom, because he knows no soul to help him with his burden.

For what is a friend?He is one to whom we can go in the hour when the darkclouds of life overshadoe us and cast our soul into the gloom of black despait. He is one from whom we hide no secrets, to who,m we cantell the tale of our own sn and shame eithout any feat of scorn.

The blessing of friendship is enjoyed only by men and women.It is not given to animals.Tiger lives a lonely life in his own lair.His boredim is relieved by the lioness or at te most by his cubs.The stag has a big flock around himm but not one od the flock shares his inner feelings.He suffers his pains without sympathy from others.There is none to whom he canturnfor help without any sense of obligation.

It is,indeed, the proud privilege of man to establish friendship which lasts for ever and becomes a source of delight.

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