Saturday, March 12, 2011

World's Longest Cricket Match

A Cricket match takes long time to play to begin with but test cricket is even longer with most test matches scheduled to last 5 days.

Back in the time when your grandfather walked to school, uphill both ways in 3 feet of snow, test matches were scheduled to play to their conclusion.

The longest cricket match was between South Africa and England in Durban, South Africa and began on March 03, 1939 and continued till March 14, 1939, although they did not play on the 5th, 11th or 12th.

Unfortunately England had to catch a boat home on the 15th so after play on the 14th the match was called a draw and both teams went home.

The world's longest cricket match spanned 43 hours and 16 minutes of playing time in which 1,981 runs were scored.

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