Saturday, March 12, 2011

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

In order to love others, you must first learn to love yourself. We are often irritated, angry, and frustrated with our own existence. But if you start loving yourself fully and unconditionally, you can throw open the channels between yourself and the universe to give and receive love. Our primary relationship is with ourselves. Oscar Wilde had said, “To be in love with oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance”. That says a lot about importance of self-love.

We all have our own set of problems. Many of us go through problems like lack of confidence, poor self-esteem, lack of materialistic facilities etc but the biggest tragedies that one can face is inability to love and value oneself. We keep 24/7 company with ourselves so shouldn’t we make concrete efforts to love ourselves? If you have a divided self, it can trigger a lifelong chain of painful experiences. To get ourselves free from emotional and psychological needs that we seek to fulfill externally, we must develop acceptance and basic trust in ourselves.

Loving ourselves means taking good care of ourselves. You must believe that you are worthy of life. The direct result of loving yourself manifests in you not running away from the uncomfortable moments in your life. You accept yourself completely and there is no rejection of any aspect of yourself, no matter how unpleasant the sensation. To be able to love yourself unconditionally also means you firmly believe that you are worthy of happiness, of success, of abundance and love. Your mindset says you deserve to have the best of friends and family. Loving yourself also strengthens you. No matter what sort of troubles you are facing, you are always there for yourself and that’s no mean support and achievement. There is no substitute for it. Remember, we are our own best friends.

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