Saturday, March 12, 2011

History of Mirasi : Cast History In Pakistan

The Mirasi (Urdu: میراثی) are a Muslim, Hindu or Sikh community, found in Northern India and Pakistan. They are also known as Pakhwaji, Kalawart and Qawwal.The Mirasi community are the genealogists of a number of communities in Northern India and Pakistan. Most Mirasi s are Muslim, but Rababi and Dhadi sub-groups are entirely Sikh.

The Mirasi of Pakistani Punjab
In Pakistani Punjab, the Mirasi are now mainly a community of entertainers, having providing many of the countries singers and entertainers. Most Mirasi are now bilingual, speaking both Urdu and Punjabi.

They are no longer traditional genealogists, and many village Mirasiare now agricultural labourers, as the traditional payment in kind paid to village artisans, has been replaced with commercial transactiions. Many members of the community have completely abandoned their occupation, and have attempted to change their caste identity. This is known to anthropologists as ashrafization, where a Muslim community, which is perceived of being of lower status, tries to improve its status. This has included conversion to the Shia sect, by many members of the community.

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