Friday, March 11, 2011

Boys Hunting Girls Online

Internet is source of information and knowledge. It possess every kind of information to every field. Students are taking advantage of internet as much as they can. There are various portals to quench your thirst of knowledge. Along with this, there is another fact we should not forget which is that every merit of everything is easily converted into its demerit and abused in Pakistan. Internet is abused a lot in recent years, but unfortunately the year it was introduced in Pakistan.
Boys and Girls issue and relevant arising issues are so far hold up a great debate in Pakistani social groups. Boys and Girls friendship is another hot topic to be looked for in many talkative groups. Girls for Boys and Boys for Girls are mad about them, even on internet. They surf internet like mad people hunting down girl numbers, pictures and any info they come across for their lusty purposes.

Watch out any similar forum and you will be amused to see the replies, it seems there is an auction for girls or girls numbers to be sold out.
Is this our way? Pakistani way? we have success in this ?
There should be a task force to monitor these activities on internet, as in china. This task force directly issues certificate/showcase notices to webmasters for the action against illegal/sensitive material on their websites otherwise termination of such websites is the last solution.

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