Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wireless Network

At home, your desktop personal computer with an internet connection makes it easy for you to communicate with other's friend's computer around the world.
Outside your home, you send and receive emails through your mobile phone, and on its small screen, you watch you favourite website.
Dad's laptop helps him contact your palmtop computer during travel. If you have a pager, then it is easy for you to receive messages from mom at home. All these methods of communications are made possible by means of wireless network technology.
What is wirless network?
A network in which computers are linked with each other without using wires and cables is known as wireless network.It uses infrared light (invisible to the human eye and transmitted by infrared transmitters) and radio frequency,to send and receive digital information between computers in the network.
Wireless Local Area Network
It is also known as WLAN's.
Computers in the same building or over short distances communicate with each other via wireless systems.
Basic network components of WLAN are Access Point and Wireless Network Interface Card or Nerwork Adapter.
Access Point is a central device, which connects your computer with a WLAN.
It both transmits and receives signals from wireless computers in the network. It is also known as a Radio Transceiver. Its functions are similar to the Hub of a wired LAN.
Your computer can share the resoures of WLAN such as printers, by the access point.
You may install (internal) Wireless NIC or a Network Adapter in your computer, or it may be attached to your computer externally.
Wireless NIC helps you to connect with other computers in the network directly. It is also known as computer-to-computer network.
Suppose Ali has the facility of WLAN in his home. From a laptop in the garden, he can communicate with Mom's computer in the kitchen. From here he can also play computer games with his brothers in separate rooms and on separate computers.
Wireless Wide Area Network
It is also known as WWAN.
Wireless modem helps you to access the Internet so that you can communicate with your friends anywhere, any time around the globe without using wires and cables.
Data is transferred from sender means to receiver computer by means of a satellite system or antenna.
The antenna receives and transmits radio waves to establish a link between fixed WWAN.
For mobile WWAN, satellite and mobile technologies are used.
WAP (Wireless Access Protocol) develops a special type of web page for mobile computers.
WAP browser is inserted in mobile phones and in other hand-held computers to download special web pages on their small screen.

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