Sunday, February 27, 2011

Now upload up to 2048 pixel size large images in Facebook

If you were in a dilemma on whether to shift completely on to Flickr for photo sharing needs, then Facebook gives you one more reason to keep sticking to it. Facebook is going to increase the maximum size limit for uploading photos from 720 pixels to 2048 pixels (approximately 8 times more) starting today and will be functional for every Facebook user in coming weeks.

The photo viewer is also going to have a revamped lightbox interface in which has dark background with images popping-up in the forefront. This comes as welcome addition for people who always wanted to showcase their photography skills on Facebook, but somehow due to compression of images couldn’t display what was apparent.
You’ll be updated on this new addition in your Facebook account anytime stating today carrying up to a week or more, so keep a check on exploring it.

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