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Saturday, November 27, 2010

2010 MAGICSIM 25th up 6 Numbers in 1 Card

Product particular introduction:

2010 MAGICSIM 25th up 6 Numbers in 1 card

1. 1 to 6 numbers (different countries and different dealers can share one card by copying) All GSM V1 system card can be copied
2. Enlarged phonebook to 250 groups
3. Enlarged 50 SMS
4. Invisible number - Temporary not connected function.
5.Special double mode function( STK Menu Mode and Quickly Switch Mode. )
6 Money saving IP dialing device with 2 Gateways
7. Two number auto switch on line (two counters separately working)
8. Online number displayed in screen (e.g. Phone number 13682234567 in screen )
9. Keep Call records function
10. Compatible to all GSM mobiles
11. Language: Chinese-T ,Chinese-S, English

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